Who, why, what?

My newsletter is written for those who share common interests in wildlife and conservation; urban wildlife in particular. I invite readers to ask questions and make your own contributions via the comments section or email. This is about sharing our enthusiasm for the wildlife around us. Making things a little greener on my patch in the world.

Briefly, I am a retired/repurposed biologist and one time morris dancing player of the concertina. My career skewed away from field biology to laboratories where I mostly peered down microscopes. Now a decade retired, I indulge myself with wildlife biology projects, and try to pass on some knowledge, and hopefully enthusiasm, to anyone who will listen. Kids in particular. I am a Fellow of the Royal Society of Biology, and past-President of Bird Protection Quebec (Canada’s oldest bird-focussed conservation charity).

Posts will often include mini-biographies of interesting species that you might find in your neck of the woods, others will just talk about being “out there” and finding those elusive 1001 Species. I am also a wildlife gardener and I offer some seasonal tips on how to go about making your gardens welcoming to birds, bees and butterflies. Strong advocate for GreenBirding and citizen science. Skews left politically. I draw your attention to “The Book”, a link to which is on the menu above - it’s a natural history of a small town.

Richard Gregson PhD. MPhil. FRSB

Why subscribe?

It’s by no means compulsory, but it is free, and will remain so. By subscribing you will never miss an update or new article. Every new edition goes directly to your inbox, usually late morning on a Sunday. It’s safe too - this isn’t one of those social media sites (you know who) who gather and sell your personal data. Privacy is baked in and you can check out at any time.

If you know someone who might also be interested by these articles, please draw it to their attention - that would be nice, and thank you in advance.


Subscribe to 1001 Species - Naturally About Nature

In which I (retired biologist and one-time morris dancing concertina player) write about the wildlife and plants we live near, yet often overlook. Also, some considered thoughts on the environment, conservation and wildlife gardening.


An actively retired (repurposed) biologist, enthusiastically introducing people to the wildlife living alongside us in town and cities. A wildlife gardener and most days a photographer. Strong advocate for GreenBirding. Skews left politically.