This was a JOY to read. And links to forests around the world, to boot. ❤️🤝Thank you Richard

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Great essay to read on this cold but sunny February morning. Hope springs eternal.

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I agree with Neil, red-winged blackbirds are one of our favorite sights (and sounds) here in western Oregon. Unfortunately we haven't seen any yet the last few months

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Really nice essay Richard. That's an interesting contrast between the two sides of the yard with one left to nature and the other planned managed.

I too am looking forward to the return of the Red-winged Blackbirds. We have had a few reports of them just south of Ottawa the past few days. I didn't see any on my hike today at Britannia Conservation Area though. Hopefully in the next week or two. That “Conk-a-ree” call always makes me smile.

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